A Nasturtium and a Gauze-winged Visitor


Unexpected little visitor….

A Green Lacewing. Usually found in gardens and bushlands. This little fellow visited us inside…. a first encounter.
The bodies of Green Lacewings are long and green in colour. The wings are usually translucent with a slight iridescence. Adults have a slow, fluttering flight.
They usually feed on nectar but also, like ladybugs, enjoy a meal of aphids… so a definite ‘plus’ in the garden. When resting they like to hide under the bottom side of the leaf.
The Green Lacewings lay their eggs in a group on leaves, each tiny egg dangling by a fine thread attached to the leaf. Family Chrysopidae

References: http://www.brisbaneinsects.com/brisbane_lacewings/index.html. https://www.rainbowgardens.biz/pollinators/green-lacewings-a-beneficial-insect-that-devours-aphids/. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysopidae

The garden is fascinating- so intricate in design of creatures and plants – so much to discover…

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My garden is full of delights! It fills the senses with beauty, color and wonder. It helps me to understand beautiful truths about God, the Creator of heaven and earth.

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